D&R Airlab-DT On Air radio broadcast mixing console

D&R Airlab-DT On Air radio broadcast mixing console

6x Triple Inputs EQ 2x Triple inputs no EQ Master USB Play-out Control Module 4x USB in/out modules 2x Telco Modules.

Model/Product no.: DR-80911781
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D&R Airlab-DT special configuration

8x Triple Inputs EQ (black faderknobs)


USB Play-out Control Module

4x USB in/out modules (green faderknobs)

2x Telco Modules (red faderknobs)

Very special package deal price:

€ 5.625,-  including metering software.

(excluding AIRCAST play-out software and monitors!).


The D&R AIRLAB DT radio ON-AIR console is an extremely reliable solution for applications where features and functions has to be weighed up against operational simplicity. It's analog, digitally controlled signal path is the best solution of both worlds to achieve a reliable workhorse under any condition.
With over 900 units in the field, the Airlab DT has proven to be a successful centerpiece in many ON-Air studios.
A simple direct accessible control surface combined with intelligent instantly reset able digital functions enables customizing to station requirements and even to personal requirements because of the use of a personalized chip card holding all important functional data.

Purchasing choices are straightforward: the welded steel frame will accommodate a maximum of 16 triple input modules, which could include an unlimited number of Telco modules (up to 16 of course) plus the master section with script space. There is a control module available to control Play-out systems over USB and this module takes 2 positions. The main outputs are electronically balanced and the majority of connectors are on balanced XLRs.

(excluding AIRCAST play-out software and monitors!).


As the name suggests, the AIRLAB DT triple input module combines a Mic input with two stereo line inputs. These could be analog inputs or AES 3 or USB inputs.

The mic input is electronically balanced with the industry standard THAT 1510 low noise mic pre-amp.

A 48 volt phantom power switch is provided for. Apart from the gain control we have built in a front panel accessible trimmer to determine the mic gain range.

A low cut filter can be activated by a jumper on the PCB. The mic input is located at the back of the console on female XLR connectors.

The unbalanced stereo line B input, accessible on Cinch connectors, can be fitted with an RIAA plug-in PCB to accept phono players.
The Line A input is balanced and on XLR’s.

The fixed, to +/- 12dB limited three band equalizer is followed by a SUB and PROGRAM assign switch that routes signals to both outputs allowing production work to be carried out during broadcast.


The stereo Aux. control can be selected pre or post VCA/MUTE, depending on jumpers.

The stereo Aux. send is followed by a Pan control, a Cue/select switch and the channel On switch disabling Cue, although it can be reactivated while the channel is on.

It is also possible to activate Cue via the channel remote connector.

Cue becomes a Cough facility when the Mic input and the "On-AIR" status is selected.

The AIRLAB DT is equipped with linear 100mm faders controlling high quality "THAT" VCA's, another high end industry standard.

Start can be activated with the fader or ON switch, depending which is activated first.

Start can be software configured so that switching is from line A or line B. Similarly, the Cue switch is under software control avoiding impossible settings.


The AIRLAB DT has the possibility to be loaded with up to 16 Telco modules.
Due to an ingenious Mix-Minus system alignment is only necessary during installation.

The AIRLAB DT Telco module is a straight forward design making communication very easy.
The first control is the front panel accessible, trimmer for side tone adjustment, only necessary during installation.
The Telco Send knob controls the outgoing signal to the caller. This signal is derived from the PROGRAM or SUB bus.
The line input can be switched to a balanced XLR input connector to accept an external (digital) hybrid instead of its own internal hybrid.
A separate input gain control with HP and LP filters be used to enhance intelligibility.

The SUB and PROGRAM assign switch routes the signal to both outputs if needed.

The stereo Aux. control has jumpers that select its source to be pre or post VCA/MUTE.

A Pan-pot and CUE/Select switch plus the ON switch completes the Telco module.
A 100mm linear fader controls a high quality THAT VCA, eliminating any fader wear out in the future.

Connecting a Caller can be accomplished with the ON switch when the fader is up or with the CUE/SELECT/RING switch when the fader is down.
When CUE is active in the TELCO module, the caller is connected to the CUE bus and also the engineers talk-back, but does not go ON-AIR yet as the fader is down.
It is possible to connect both the Cue and On switch to a remote unit, allowing a director to control the broadcast.
A "Connect" LED positioned below the High Cut switch indicates that the internal Hybrid is active.

If you would like to call with VOIP we would advice to use the CISCO SPA112 as an interface in between the Airlab Telco module Hybrid circuits and the PC.


The AIRLAB DT has the possibility to be loaded with a VoIP modules.
Due to an ingenious Mix-Minus system alignment is only necessary during installation.

The AIRLAB DT VoIP module is a straight forward design making communication very easy.
The R BAL and TRIM are not present with a VoIP pc board build in.
The Telco Send knob controls the outgoing signal to the caller. This signal is derived from the PROGRAM or SUB bus.
The line input can be switched to a balanced XLR input connector to accept an external (digital) hybrid instead of its own internal hybrid.
A separate input gain control with HP and LP filters be used to enhance intelligibility.
In case a VoIP module is installed one of the RJ-11 is replaced by 1x USB connector, the other RJ-11 has a clean-feed signal on pin 1 and 4. to be able to connect an external Analog or digitl Hybrid to a land line or GSM Hybrid.

The SUB and PROGRAM assign switch routes the signal to both outputs if needed.

The stereo Aux. control has jumpers that select its source to be pre or post VCA/MUTE.

A Pan-pot and CUE/Select switch plus the ON switch completes the Telco module.
A 100mm linear fader controls a high quality THAT VCA, eliminating any fader wear out in the future.

Connecting a Caller can be accomplished with the ON switch when the fader is up or with the CUE/SELECT/RING switch when the fader is down.
When CUE is active in the VoIP module, the caller is connected to the CUE bus and also the engineers talk-back, but does not go ON-AIR yet as the fader is down.
It is possible to connect both the Cue and On switch to a remote unit, allowing a director to control the broadcast.
A "Connect" LED positioned below the High Cut switch indicates that the internal Hybrid is active.

The master module is divided in three sections.
The first module"" houses the TAPE SEND which selects the feed to the tape output.
This could be either the SUB output signal or the AUX. output signal.

The stereo Aux. master controls the outgoing Aux. signals from the input modules. A Talk-back to AUX. switch is provided for.
The lower part of this ""module"" houses the Control Room Monitor section that can be fed by an EXT(ernal) stereo input, the stereo Aux output, a stereo On-Air signal or the stereo SUB output signal.

All selections have LED indicators and the lowest positioned switch has priority over the input selectors positioned directly above.
The CUE balance pot adjusts the balance between the PROGRAM output or another selected input source and the CUE signal (when selected).
A cue LED indicates when a CUE signal is on the CRM or Phones.
Separate Phones and CRM controls, with a DJ mic on mute indicator on the CRM, complete this ""module"".

Communication is on board

The second ""module section"" houses the Talk back level control for the electret microphone and the Studio section, usually used to monitor the PROGRAM output, with the ability to switch to from Air, from SUB or the Control Room Monitor signal.

When the studio mic is open the studio output is muted, indicated by the studio MUTE LED. The studio output is fitted with a Talk-back switch Communication is very important in broadcast studio's, so we decided to go for three separate outputs. One for Studio, one for Guest's) and
one for the Announcer.

All outputs receive the same signal that is selected by the input selection switches, or the Program output signal when no switch is activated.
The Studio output has a mute LED indicator when the output is muted.

All three outputs have a direct Talk back access switch for instant communication between control room and presentation area.
The Cue buss is the main communication buss in the console. When a listener calls the station, by pushing the Cue switch of the
Telco module you have him or her directly on the control room monitors.

At the same time the internal electret microphone is activated so you can immediately respond.
The announcer can depress his remote communication button and is linked to the same Cue buss, so that is three of you talking with each other.
The AIRLAB has four VU meters of which two are always connected to the main outputs and the other two are following whatever is heard on the CRM.

Music Play-out control section is optional

There is an optional Control section Module (2 positions) to directly control all the functions of your play-out system.
Imagine 16 instant access buttons for jingles and/or station advertisements.

Scrolling through your play list, start and stop Music, Voice overs controlled from the mixer surface and many more free programmable functions for most play-out systems.
A HID protocol is part of the delivery to program your own functions and pushbutton signaling.

Software controllabe Set-up can be stored on a chipcard

A specialty of the AIRLAB DT is its ability to program all sorts of internal settings and then save it to a personalized chip card for instant reset.
The following settings can be programmed.


Module set as DJ mic input.
Module set as Announcer mic input.
Module set as Studio mic input.
Start/Stop plus Pulse/Continue per module.
Cue start active.
Fader start or ""ON"" start per module.
External remote (inactive per module.
Timer start pulse per module.
On-Air control signal on/off per module.
Auto communication Announcer on/off.
Auto CUE reset on/off.
Auto CUE on/off.

A build in timer is very convenient

There is a Timer function built in the AIRLAB DT for time related measurements such as duration of an incoming/outgoing call.
Timer set-up can be software controlled and stored.

The AIRLAB DT is D&R's latest addition to a growing series of broadcast consoles. Its high quality clean audio path with a minimum of hardware switches in the audiopath is your guarantee that this is a reliable radio console for daily broadcasts around the hour for many years to come.


  • Mic inp. bal. 2kOhm - 128dBr (40dB gain range plus 30dB of trim range)
  • Line inp. bal 10kOhm +/- 20dB gain range.
  • Telco input (XLR) 10kOhm bal. 0dBu nominal.
  • COMM: mic input max. gain: 1kHz 85dB
  • Line input max. gain 1 kHz 80dB


  • Left/Right: +6dBu electronically balanced (transformer balancing is an option)
  • Sub: +6dBu electronically balanced.
  • All other outputs: +6dBu unbalanced.


  • Frequency response: 20-20.000 Hz +/-0.5dB
  • Harmonic distortion: 0.035% (VCA in, 2nd harm)
  • Cross talk: less than -90dBr
  • Noise: -86dBr
  • Headroom: +22dB internal, 16dB on outputs
  • Mix-Minus rejection: @1kHz -60dB
  • Channel fader attenuation: 1kHz, 100dB


  • All channel remotes are on stereo jack sockets.
  • Start/Stop switching is by isolated reed relays.
  • Both ON-AIR 1 and 2 (red light) outputs are isolated by relays.

Dimensions and weight

  • AIRLAB-DT: 26 kg / 57.2 Lbs
  • Drop through mounting hole dimensions : 775mm x 415mm (width x depth)
  • Helicopter view dimensions : 825,00mm x 455mm
  • Front thickness : 3 mm
  • Corner Radius : R 20
  • Height : front: 80mm - backside: 190mm

Universal moduel connector panel

  • Balanced Mic input
  • Balanced Line A left input or PHONE wall connection to the  provider (or in case you purchase a digital input module this becomes a female)
  • Digital AES-3 stereo input (32kHz-96kHz)
  • In case of a single USB module that is not internally linked to the USB hub a USB connector will be placed in the LINE-A position.
  • Balanced Line A Right input or Phone unit on your desk (or in case you purchase a digital input module this becomes a male)
  • Digital AES-3 stereo main output (or Sub output via jumpers) This input is not used for USB modules.
  • Line B left/right inputs or (in case you purchase a digital input module, this becomes a Digital stereo s/p-dif input and output
  • Remote connector for Studio Remote unit or Red light.
  • Fader start connector + Mic insert

Backpanel Master Connectors

One USB connector
is via an internal HUB connected to all 4 USB channels.
This USB connector also transfers the Meter data and all switch control data from the Control Module.

In case you have ordered two digital input modules, we will mount two digital male XLR outputs in the Spare 2 and 3  giving you the Main Program output signal and Sub output signal.

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